Thankful for BSOW 70×7 course on Forgiveness
I could not think of forgiving my child …. It was very hard to forgive my daughter because she fell pregnant and did not tell me but told her boyfriend’s mom. It was very painful for me as a mother because I had implanted Godly values in my children.
Through my prayers, the Holy Spirit convicted her to come and ask for forgiveness. After a long time, we reconnected again. She tries her best to receive my forgiveness. I asked the Lord to help me to forgive my child. One day while I looked at her, I started to cry, and I asked her to forgive me. She asked me to pray for her so that she would not fall into sin again. Today I look at my children through the eyes of the Lord and thank God for the TEN courses.
For information on Bible School on Wheels 70×7 click [here]