Elective Courses
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Dynamic Church Planting
Why plant churches? Join Dynamic Church Planting International leaders, Paul Becker and France Kamau, as they uncover proven biblical principles on how and why to plant, grow and multiply new churches. Discover practical methods to plant new churches and be inspired by the DCPI vision to plant 5 million churches to reach the world for Christ!
Dynamic Church Planting elective: download application
Women Who Make a Difference
Did it ever occur to you that God created women to make a difference? In this course we are going to be looking at the lives of four women from the Bible. Two from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament. As we step into their stories, we’re going to see that they were ordinary women like you and me, who lived their lives in such a way that they demonstrated to the world they had an extraordinary God.
Women Who Make a Difference elective: download application
The Basics of Leadership
Join international business leader, Maurice Radebe, as he teaches 10 powerful traits successful leaders use to achieve greatness. Learn the basics of leadership from a biblical perspective and discover the amazing impact of changing from being just a manager — to becoming a coach!
The Basics of Leadership elective: download application
The Gold Nuggets for Communicating the Gospel to Muslims
In this inspiring course, learn to effectively communicate the Gospel with Muslims. Designed for the whole Church, Fred Nel will teach you how to resolve some of the main objections Muslims have against Christianity, enhance relationships and build bridges that lead to a mutual love in Christ.
The Gold Nuggets elective: download application
How to Double Your Church – Africa
Join eight seasoned African pastors as they share their best thinking and practical experience on how to double your church. Renew your passion to grow your church to become all God wants it to be!