Releasing God’s Abundant Blessings HOW TO TAKE THIS COURSE: Register for this course Select this course Download the workbook Take the course Login here: Username Password Forgot your password? Login If not yet registered, REGISTER HERE Title * First Name *...
Preparing Expository Sermons Preparing Expository Sermons Based on the Ramesh Richard’s field-tested seminar Scripture Sculpture and book Preparing Expository Sermons: A Seven-Step Method for Biblical Preaching. HOW TO TAKE THIS COURSE: You need to be logged in to...
M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E. M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E. Influence for Lasting Impact HOW TO TAKE THIS COURSE: You need to be logged in to take this course If you are logged in, but haven’t enrolled yet, click on the ‘Take this course’ button (only visible if not enrolled...
True Spirituality A Proven Pathway to become like Jesus Dare to Experience True Spirituality! HOW TO TAKE THIS COURSE: You need to be logged in to take this course If you are logged in, but haven’t enrolled yet, click on the ‘Take this course’ button...
The 7 Laws of the Teacher Applied Principles of Learning “You’ve worked hard to be a good teacher. Now you can take the next steps to becoming a master teacher, following the example of Jesus Christ Himself.” HOW TO TAKE THIS COURSE: You need to be...
Foundations of Youth Ministry Foundations of Youth Ministry Curches today understand how important Youth Ministry is, but few know how to run them effectively. The next generation of pastors, church leaders and community influences are very important to us, so here is...
70×7 용서를 통한 평강 누리기 실제적이고 지속적인 용서의 방법을 찾아보세요. 무슨 일이 일어났는데, 그 일은 어제 일어난 일일 수도 있고 몇 년 전의 일일 수도 있습니다. 하지만 그 일로 인해 상처를 받았고 변했습니다. 당신에게 잘못을 범한 사람들을 용서하지 않으면 마음의 상처는 감염을 일으키고 퍼지게 될 것입니다. 여러분에게 잘못을 범한 사람을 용서하지 않는다면 결국 상처받은 마음의 포로가 되고 말 것입니다. 하지만 좋은 소식이 있습니다. 아직 기회가 있다는...
7×70: दूसरों… और स्वयं को क्षमा करके शांति पाना पता लगाएं कि क्षमा कैसे करना है। सच में और सदा-सर्वदा के लिए। कुछ हुआ था। हो सकता है कि यह कल ही हुआ हो। हो सकता है कि यह वर्षों पहले हुआ है। और उस घटना ने आपको बदल दिया था। और जब तक आप उन लोगों को क्षमा नहीं...
Become a Transformed Woman Become the Woman God Wants You to Be. Did you ever consider that, as a woman, you were created by your Incredible God to make a difference? He took the time and devoted effort to not only make you an original masterpiece, but He uniquely and...
70×7 العثور على السلام بغفرانك للآخرين، ولنفسك اكتشف كيف تغفر، غفرانًا حقيقيًا إلى الأبد حدث شيء ما، ربما كان بالأمس، وربما منذ سنوات مضت، ولكنه مؤلم، وقد غيرك كثيرًا. وما لم تغفر لمن أساءوا لك،فسوف يتلوث جرح قلبك وينقل العدوى. وفي النهاية، من الممكن أن تصبح...
70 x 7 Encontrar la paz perdonando a los demás… y a uno mismo Descubre cómo perdonar. De verdad y para siempre. Algo pasó. Podría haber sido ayer. Podría haber sido hace años. Pero dolió. Y te cambió. Y a menos que perdones a los que te hicieron daño, la herida...
Stream A Biblical Portrait of Marriage Online Discover Six Universal Secrets for Success in Any Marriage! Marriage today certainly looks very different across the world — but every couple wants to be happy in their relationship and successful in their marriage...
TRANSMISSÃO GRATUITA COM MANUAL PDF Algo aconteceu. Pode ter sido ontem. Pode ter sido anos atrás.Mas doeu. E isso mudou você.E a menos que você perdoe aqueles que o injustiçaram, a ferida do coração infectará e se espalhará. Eventualmente, você pode se tornar um...
STREAMING GRATUIT AVEC LE WORKBOOK PDF Quelque chose est arrivé. C’était peut-être hier. C’était peut-être il y a des années.Mais ça fait mal. Et cela vous a changé.Et à moins que vous ne pardonniez à ceux qui vous ont fait du tort, la blessure au cœur...
70×7: КАК ОБРЕСТИ МИР, ПРОСТИВ ДРУГИХ… И СЕБЯ Откройте для себя прощение по-настоящему и навсегда. Что-то случилось. Это могло быть вчера. Это могло быть много лет назад. Но было больно. И это изменило вас. Но если вы не простите тех, кто вас обидел, сердечная рана...
Stream 70×7: Finding Peace by Forgiving Others and Yourself Discover forgiveness that is for real and forever. Something happened. It might have been yesterday. It might have been years ago. But it hurt. And it changed you. And unless you forgive those who wronged...
DISCover Yourself and Others Discover Why You Are the Way You Are and How to Best Relate to Others. Discover how you can build stronger, healthier relationships. Using a highly-effective personality discovery tool, you learn about your own unique strengths and...