DISCover Yourself and Others
Discover Why You Are the Way You Are and How to Best Relate to Others.
Discover how you can build stronger, healthier relationships. Using a highly-effective personality discovery tool, you learn about your own unique strengths and weaknesses and recognise how God has given you freedom to be exactly who you were made to be.
This 8 session Bible-based video series will open a world of opportunity, by revealing how you can build stronger, healthier relationships. Using a highly-effective personality discovery tool, Martin Deacon will help you learn about your own unique strengths and weaknesses that you bring to every relationship and task. You’ll improve relationships and recognise how God has given you the freedom to be exactly who you are made to be.
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The Director of Global Partnerships for TEN. He is a graduate of the University of Johannesburg and Dallas Theological Seminary. Since age 21, Martin pioneered, managed, networked, trained and mobilized for numerous international Christian organizations serving leaders in and from over 100 countries. Teach Every Nation is a Christian educational ministry initiative that partners with leaders, ministries, and global teachers to train untrained pastors and teachers in the Global South.