What on Earth Is God Doing in My Life?


Free Gifts and Promotional Materials

Download these beautiful, free downloads related to our What On Earth Is God Doing In My Life? teaching series! These artistic, printable downloads will encourage you in your daily walk with the Lord.


FREE gifts

The Three Levels of Fruit Bearing Chart

Understanding the differences between chastening, pruning and abiding reveals the 3 levels of fruit-bearing. This poster is a reminder of God’s refining process in your life and helps you continually recognize the depth of His desire that you bear “much fruit”.

John 15:5 Inspiration poster

Celebrate God’s plan for your life by printing and displaying this colourful poster illustrating John 15:5. As you draw closer to Him along your spiritual journey and realise that abiding in Him is the way to increase fruitfulness, you’ll find it’s beautiful here in His vineyard!

Motivational Quotation Poster

Enjoy this downloadable poster that demonstrates 10 inspiring quotes about fruit-bearing which will capture your imagination and inspire a desire to abide in Christ. Download this full-colour work of art that brings together 10 unique thoughts from around the world.

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Course teacher: Dr. Bruce Wilkinson

Course teacher: Dr. Bruce Wilkinson

Founder and Chairman of Teach Every Nation

International ministry leader and award-winning author Dr Bruce Wilkinson founded TEN as the culmination of four decades of proven global ministry and training ‘best practices’. Bruce founded TEN in 2013 because he believes that “nothing is more strategic to fulfilling the Great Commission than the training of millions of pastors and church leaders who cannot access or afford traditional academic institutions.” Since its founding, TEN has trained more than 100,000 students at 3,700 TEN Training Centers in dozens of countries, and thousands of students on its 2,500-acre beautiful training Campus on a game park in South Africa.

Bruce has given keynote addresses at major national and international events with stadium audiences of 80,000 or more. His breakout book, The Prayer of Jabez, was the fastest-selling book in history with worldwide sales exceeding 20 million. He has written more than 70 books that have been translated into 30 languages, including several books that reached the number one spot on the bestseller lists of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.

In addition to being in demand as a speaker and writer, Bruce is a gifted leader and trainer. He built the largest religious seminar organization in the world, Walk Thru the Bible. He trained 100,000 professional teachers in Teaching for Life Change, and launched and led the global initiative WorldTeach which recruited and trained more than 30,000 indigenous leaders in 83 nations to conduct life skills courses. He also chaired CoMission, a movement in which 87 national organizations joined together to train Russian teachers on ethics and teaching methodologies.

Bruce has been a featured guest on major television and radio shows and has held private meetings with foreign presidents, as well as key leaders in the U.S. government.

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